Orthodontics for Teens

Cool tunes, fun contests and you might even see Dr. Potocki's dance moves:) 

YOUR SMILE, YOUR WAY! You choose what product best fits your lifestyle:  Braces or Aligners.   With either option, your treatment starts with records, an examination and a consultation with Dr. Potocki who will customize your care plan and address your specific concerns. If you're ready to get started, we can often place your braces immediately following your examination!

Most patients have appointments every 8-16 weeks, so you shouldn't have to miss much school or outside activities, and we work hard to make sure you look forward to coming to see us!

Call today to schedule your complimentary examination!

Orthodontics for Adults

Why Wait?

Adults everywhere are taking advantage of the opportunity to receive orthodontic care, and now you can too! 

Both Aligners & Braces offer busy adults a discreet, aesthetic method to do a full alignment of all the teeth or change a few pesky imperfections.  Braces can often be placed the same day as your intiial examination and customized aligners typically arrive in about two weeks, so you can be on your way to an improved smile in no time!


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